Our Learning Community

Proud to Learn Together

Types of social media I use

Regarding my professional identity, I currently use “Workplace,” which my employer runs. It is a site, like the same format as Facebook, when creating a group where only those invited by an employer can have access to the group. Everyone can post what they like related to work; however, at any point, the employer can remove any content and even remove you from work. In terms of control, there is a lot of control for the employees to perform actions on this platform; however, not as much as the employer.

For the digital identity, I wish to express my personal self, I use Snapchat and Instagram. These Social Media allow me to post what I like, take down what I want, and control with whom I wish to share my content. That, of course, needs to consider that my privacy isn’t always protected; however, I have more control of my own content as opposed to my professional social media.

Likewise, for my education identity. Currently using WordPress and Brightspace for two courses that I am taking. With WordPress, because I am creating my own website, I, like my personal identity, have control of what I want to post and how I want it to be presented; The only difference between the two identities is the information I am displaying, and the type of knowledge that I know. There is a change in audience, thus a change in the way I want people to see me as. In this case, I want my audience to see me as a student with WordPress. As for Brightspace, the same idea of how social media is intended for the “learner and teacher” audience.

Snapchat Workplace WordPress Instagram

Here shows how Social Media influences our Digital Identity and how it changes throughout our Personal Network Learning.

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